
Sometimes it happens that a theater company is programming the console and would like to copy a preset made earlier. I know you can grap and drop the preset and make a copy of it.

But now they want to change something on the copied preset but not in the original one. How can I do that?

So far when I make a change in a preset it makes the changes in all the same preset numbers. Is it possible to rename the copied preset and so make changes that do not affect all the others?

Thanks for you help.


Cube521/Congo Kid


  • Hi Filip,

    You are correct that if you make a change to the original preset, it will change in every place you use that preset. It is possible to create a copy of the preset and have it have a new name. 

    One way to do this is in the sequence editor:

    In the pictured example, go to the Sequence Editor by pressing SEQ, then selecting the sequence number you wish to edit and press MODIFY (If the sequence is in the Main Playback, you can press MODIFY & PLAYBACK.)
    Arrow to the preset in the step that you wish to change (step 3 in the picture)
    Enter the number you wish the new preset to be called and press MODIFY (103.1 in the picture)

    This will present you with the Change Preset Wizard as there are three possible things that you can mean when you enter a number in the Preset column.

    In your case, you want to copy the preset to the new number not rename it. Copying the preset will leave the existing versions alone, but create a copy (using the new number) that you can make your changes for that specific instance.
    Renaming it will create a new preset with the new number, but the existing references will still be there pointing to a preset that no longer exists. This will make a blackout wherever you have used that preset.

     Another way to do this is in the Drag and Drop on the Main Playback:

    Drag the Preset that you want to copy to where you want it and release.
    Navigate to the Advanced tab of the Drop dialog
    Select where you want the new step to go and check the Create Between box. This will create a new preset that is a copy that is a different number.

    You can then edit that preset with your changes for that specific instances.

  • Hi Filip,

    You are correct that if you make a change to the original preset, it will change in every place you use that preset. It is possible to create a copy of the preset and have it have a new name. 

    One way to do this is in the sequence editor:

    In the pictured example, go to the Sequence Editor by pressing SEQ, then selecting the sequence number you wish to edit and press MODIFY (If the sequence is in the Main Playback, you can press MODIFY & PLAYBACK.)
    Arrow to the preset in the step that you wish to change (step 3 in the picture)
    Enter the number you wish the new preset to be called and press MODIFY (103.1 in the picture)

    This will present you with the Change Preset Wizard as there are three possible things that you can mean when you enter a number in the Preset column.

    In your case, you want to copy the preset to the new number not rename it. Copying the preset will leave the existing versions alone, but create a copy (using the new number) that you can make your changes for that specific instance.
    Renaming it will create a new preset with the new number, but the existing references will still be there pointing to a preset that no longer exists. This will make a blackout wherever you have used that preset.

     Another way to do this is in the Drag and Drop on the Main Playback:

    Drag the Preset that you want to copy to where you want it and release.
    Navigate to the Advanced tab of the Drop dialog
    Select where you want the new step to go and check the Create Between box. This will create a new preset that is a copy that is a different number.

    You can then edit that preset with your changes for that specific instances.
