Important Information about Congo v6.0.x Software

Hello all –

Some of you have noticed that we have removed the links to the v6.0.2 software from the Web site. A number of sites have reported a rare crash and since then we have been working hard to reproduce and eliminate it from the software. This is what we call an “unhandled crash” which takes the console out of the Congo application and requires a hard reset to regain control of the lighting system.

We will soon release a version of software that eliminates the problem. In the meantime, we do not want sites updating to a version that may cause them trouble. If you are currently running v5.1 software, we recommend that you remain on that version.

If you are currently running v6.0.2 software, and you have not experienced any problems, it’s possible that you will continue to run without problems. However, the possibility does exist that you may encounter this crash. So, here are the options:

1)      Continue running v6.0.2 software and keep an eye open for an announcement of the v6.0.3 software which will include a fix for this problem. At this moment I cannot say with certainty when this version will be released, however it is our top priority at the moment and progress is being made.

2)      Downgrade to v5.1.0 software. Please note, if your show has been programmed in v6, the show file must be converted back to v5 compatibility. There are a number of features from v6 that are not supported in v5 – like Image Effects, extended preset numbers, higher resolution times, masters 41-80, and some others. If a show contains v6 preset numbers, the converter utility will renumber them and store them within a separate show file so that they can be imported back at valid v5 preset numbers of your choice. Downgrading the software will require uninstalling v6, installing v5.1 and then running a small utility to adjust some files on the hard disk.

ETC Technical Support personnel world-wide are prepared to help any customer with questions about this situation or with downgrading their system if desired. They will provide the required files on request and are available at the following numbers:

In  the Americas, please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116.
In Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000.
In Germany, please call (+49) 8024 4700-0.
In Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220.

Please note that ETC provides emergency support on weekends and at times outside of normal business hours. In order to provide the best possible support to those who need it, if it’s possible to wait until our offices reopen on Monday to request files, please do so. In the meantime, we are working on a version of software that will fix this problem. If you are interested in becoming a beta site for this version, please send your contact details to me directly.

Thank you for your patience –


[edited by: sclausen at 6:28 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Nov 6 2009] Added email link
  • Toll, wenn ich richtig verstanden habe soll ich auf V5 downgrade.Habe ne Premiere auf V 6.02  erstellt.Kann diese in V5 nicht einlesen/ laden.

    Habe mit 6.02 Probleme. Sind bekannt, Log Files vorhanden/ Holzkirchen.


    Thotszen Scholz

    [edited by: Scholle at 10:14 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Nov 20 2009]
  • Hi Thorsten,


    wir brauchen noch ein bisschen Zeit mit der V6.0.3 bevor wir sicher sind, die Bugs sind raus.

    In die Zwischen Zeit kannst du naturlich wieder auf V5.1.0 gehen, und dein Shows

    von V6 benutzen. Wir haben ein Vorstellungsdatei Konverter der die Vorstellungsdateien

    von V6 auf V5 umstellt, damit wenn man der Konsole wieder auf V5.1.0 zurückstellt,

    die Vorstellungen von V6 können dann im V5.1.0 funktionieren.


    Falls du doch zurück auf V5.1.0 gehen willst, email mir, und ich schick dir die

    benötigte Dateien.

    Sonst, V6.0.3 wird demnäcshte rauskommen.


    Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis.
