Cobalt 20

Hey, we just recieved our Cobalt 20 a week ago now, and I have some questions about it:


First of all some bugs I've found: When I installed 2 seperate screens, and adjusted them according to my setup. My 2 main screens switched place, and I can't for the life of me get them back to normal. Is there a known fix for this?

I also can't allign my docks close to eachother, on one screen I want to have a direct select dock and the dock that shows the device info, but theese 2 "windows" I cannot drag close to eachother, theres a good inch inbetween them.


Some things I'd want in the future:

When programming a show, you can put masterpages to show up on the various "chapters" Is it possible to make the faders on set chapter pop up to the value they are set on the current scene? Would be great to have this to adjust things really fast in a live show.

The new device button, with the endless pot meters option: Love it! But might there be a way to have a "page" set to each device? Like, when I tag my hippotizer I've put out the various attributes I want to controll on that device, but when I then choose a moving head I'd get the attributes that I put out for my hippotizer media server.

Other then that I'm really happy with the way it works, its so much faster then the Congo which we switched from!


Regards, Bruno

