Using touring shows desk to trigger Cobalt 20 to trigger in house LED fixtures

Right here goes.

I work at a venue that receives many touring shows. They all use part or all of our in house lighting rig for colour washes, specials etc. At the moment its quite easy. We give them a lighting plot with dimmer channel numbers on and a feed into our DMX and away they go. 

We are looking at replacing all of our generic lighting fixtures with LED (council owned must be green save money etc etc etc). When we do this whats the best way to go about giving control of our lights to a touring company?

It wouldn't be practical to give them a lighting plot and a list of makes/models for them to download the personalities for their own desk and to patch each fixture. I there a way of linking another desk to ours so that we can set up groups (red wash, blue wash centre spot etc) on the cobalt that correspond to a single address for the touring group to patch and use?

Would any extra kit be required?

Thanks in advance!
