More master range questions


I had this question before, but still no answer: Is there a way to change the range on the Nomad wing so that it's M41-M60? Now it's M1-M20 and copying what's on my JR's masters but I would like to have other content on the backup, like a A/B playback, other groups and so on without taking up that space on the JR.


But I have another one also having to do with master ranges, but on the big JR Master wing.

If you gave the Master View up on a screen and zoom so that you have 2 rows with 20 masters/row you can almost fit them to the masters on the wing. But there is one problem. The ranges on the display is 1-20 in top row and 21-40 in bottom row. But the masters on the wing is 21-40 on top row and 1-20 on bottom. So not visually syncing up.

So why do I want the Master View when I have the displays? Preset texts in seq as an example. to see the levels on masters from other desks in session and so on.

So is there a way to change the ranges there to? So it actually start with 1 on top row left. (Like reading text. it have always felt weird for me that it was 21-40 and then 1-20)
