Exact dmx value on congo jr

Hello everybody.

I have really headache with setting exact dmx value on congo jr console.

I can use "." and"+%"  for changing dmx value with 1 dmx value accuracy. But i can't save it into preset, or something


I tried to create "fixture" with intensity parameter and with ranges set bit value, but i fault. I also tried to create fixture with "control" parameter and to put there values and later put that parameters into "beam palettes" and then tried to put it into master pages. But I failed too.


I need to have an ability to control exact dmx value on dmx universe 2 on a channel 8 from master button. I thied to patch it like a dimmer, creating preset and setting it to master button, I tried to create special "fixture" to control that channel, and setting value to master button with palettes, but it don't want to send any value from master key, and I can only change dmx value in Live mode in series with "dot" key & "+%" key.

And I cant find something useful in manual. "@ level" & "format" key don't want to change "percentage/bits" view.


p.s. sorry for my english, actually I'm not a native english speaker, I'm from Moscow =)
