Congo Offline Editor v4.3.0 for Mac Now Available

Installers for Congo Offline Editor v4.3.0 are now available for download here. There are two installers - one for Motorola PowerPC processors and a different one for Intel-based Macs.

Thanks -


  • Hi Anders,

     Dredging this up again, I also cannot get insert to work on my keyboard (UK Apple bluetooth wireless). Interestingly after a bit of fiddling and searching I've realised that this combination is supposed to do "move to trash" in Finder and this also does not work. I'm going to dredge up a wired keyboard tomorrow and see if that makes the difference. Interestingly command-backspace works in finder to move to trash, but not in congo. I'll let you know what I find changing keyboards.


  • I found that on the Mac Book Pro the delete key on they keyboard is often seen more like backspace.  If you use fn+delete you get a true "delete".  Now pair this with the command key cmd+fn+delete (in that order) and you now have Insert for Congo. 

     Kevin M.

  • This is the way typing has always been on the Mac.  I'm not sure why the different nomenclature exists, but striking a character to the left of the insertion point is "delete" on a Mac & "backspace" on a PC, and striking a character to the right of the insertion point is "forward delete" on a Mac and "delete" on a PC.


    I'm gonna vote for the Mac names because I'm gonna guess that "backspace" is probably an antiquated term for when you had to move back a column and overstrike the unwanted character with a "space" character...  Then again, the term "carriage return" is still widely used in the industry, and that's obviously from the typewriter days.  But I digress... ;-)
