Elation Design LED (DLED) 12 Brick template and usage

I am trying to setup and use a DLED 12 LED fixture (this has 4 of each LED color: red, green, and blue) on our Congo jr console.  It works fine in 6ch mode (using 6ch template) with all the red LEDs together, green LEDs together, and blue LEDs together using the color dials to adjust them, and 3 other channels (macros, strobe, intensity) using the beam dials.  I would like to actually have each LED be available to set independently for a color change across the fixture (like a rainbow - sort of).  I have tried both the 12 and 15ch templates, but when I set those up I can only control one set of LEDs (one red, green, blue) - the other 9 LEDs do not light up.  The color dials show red, green, and blue but when looking at the live attributes you can see that only one of each is affected.  I made a simple 3ch template and imported it as 4 different fixtures on 4 channels, but I would prefer to have a template that would have several pages of color with something like red1, red2, red3, red4, green1, green2, green3, green4, blue1, blue2, blue3, blue4, but I don't see any way to create custom device parameters like this.  Am I missing something?

Also along similar lines, last year someone mentioned that they were working on a way to be able to use these types of RGB LED fixtures as CMY, using the built in color selector to be able to set colors.  Has anything been done with this?

Thanks - Sean, Technical Director, SF Bay Area, California
