
Hello all. I am a novice designer and using the Congo Jr. I have used a lot of consoles before and have figured out a lot of this one, but need to design some movement for the lights and want to do this the best way possible. I tried applying some effects and really like them, but need to know the basics of how these are supposed to work. Also, should I use these instead of macros? My lights are HE studio spots, commands; and Martin kryptons and washes. One specific problem I have is that I can't make the the effect stop, so when someone is speaking, the fixtures are still moving even tho no intensity, this is distracting. Do I need to record a "no move" effect on these cues or what? Since last take precedence.

Have read several posts on effects that I think will be much more helpful when I have a basic foundation of how effects work.

Thanks in advance!

Hilary M Nortz
LD, People's Church, OKC 
