Life after Expression the Congo we go!

Hello everyone, first post!

I studied lighting in college in the late 90'sand got work in a venue for the last 10 years, pretty much only using the Expression 3. Now our venue is getting a full upgrade and our brand new ETC Congo Jr showed up today.

Well you guys can guess, things have been a bit rusty for me, I got used to the "Yoda" syntax ok, but what tripped me up worst is the lack of a release button. It is second nature to use that in the E3, and I have not yet found an equivalent on the Cjr.

Of course I have a new show to program with only less than a day behind the board, so any tips or tricks would really help me out. I work in a small community venue, so I have relied of my submasters a lot to quickly program lights since we have a new show almost every day with pretty much no turnaround.

My Cjr came with a master playback wing, and dont even get my started on that one...cuz it also works differently than I expected.

Anyways, thanks and any tips and tricks would be awesome.
