BCF 2000 and feedback midi information


I use a BCF 2000 on my computer (MacBook Pro) to control cobalt (last version)

I would like to know if feedback information can be send to my BCF.

for exemple :

when I work on EOS, if I move my grand master fader on my Mac, the BCF's fader (link by luminosus) move at the save level, very helpful !

when I work in Cobalt (only midi configuration address) there is any interaction between the soft and the remote.

Maybe I forgot something.

Thanks for your help

  • If I remember right Cobalt don’t send midi feed back. (I can be wrong  I have set it up some time but can’t remember if it have feed back)

    The EOS/Luminosos setup work with OSC that send feedback. That’s another protocol and works another way. There the Luminosos send the midi feed back, not the EOS. The Eos only send OSC. 
