Zoom?? Not Zoom??

Using the latest release of the software, V1.2 I think it is, the zoom button no longer zooms the stage map and shows DMX values.  It just moves the whole display up a line or two and back down again.  What happened to this feature?

  • The level percentage is shown when zoomed in far enough - roughly 5 channels top-to-bottom.

    The Zoom button toggles between zooming in to show all your stage map channels (Zoom Extents), and zooming out to show the complete Stage Map.

    So, you've spread out your channels in the Stage Map too far for everything to fit at at the "high" zoom.
    - Either lots of them or just too far apart to all fit.

    Use "Pinch-Zoom" to zoom/pan further in.
    As your current stage map layout doesn't fit on screen at the "high" zoom level, some of your channels will be (at least partially) off-screen.