ColorSource- exporting show file to another console?

Is it possible to export the ColorSource show file to another ETC console? If not, is it possible to get it in some other format (ASCII, excel?) that I could see a printout of the output of each channel? I am trying to recreate a show on a Gio. When you save from the ColorSource onto a USB drive it saves as a .JSON file.

  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is sort of human-readable, somewhere between ASCII and XML, say. You can use a program like Notepad++ or TextWrangler to read it. There is a section called "cueList" with data for each cue. For each cue, it gives the channel and level, then the "ltpParameters" for things like Pan/Tilt.

    If you're looking to just create a quick cue list (Cue# and timing), it probably won't be too bad. If you're trying to exactly recreate a show, you'll have a lot of work to do.

    There is not currently a way to import ColorSource .JSON files into Eos. (Or to drop Eos files into ColorSource, for that matter!)
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is sort of human-readable, somewhere between ASCII and XML, say. You can use a program like Notepad++ or TextWrangler to read it. There is a section called "cueList" with data for each cue. For each cue, it gives the channel and level, then the "ltpParameters" for things like Pan/Tilt.

    If you're looking to just create a quick cue list (Cue# and timing), it probably won't be too bad. If you're trying to exactly recreate a show, you'll have a lot of work to do.

    There is not currently a way to import ColorSource .JSON files into Eos. (Or to drop Eos files into ColorSource, for that matter!)
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