2 Computers running Hog 4 PC + Superwidget

Ok so here's the situation: I have a desktop running Hog 4 with a Superwidget hooked up and running. The problem is that the desktop is located in a spot that makes programming very hard. The best solution of course would be to move the computer, however it has other functions that require it to remain in that spot.

What I'm trying to do now is to use my laptop (that has Hog 4 running) to program since my laptop is obviously more mobile. The issue is that I cannot get the Hog 4 on my laptop to find the show on the network that the laptop is broadcasting.

I've done WLAN connections, and even went hardwire into the desktop to see if my laptop can find any show at all. I've also adjusted my network settings accordingly so I dont think that's the issue.

Not sure why this has to be so hard. I thought I would not have this issue anymore like I did when I tried something similar a while back with a Wholehog 3 and Hog 3 PC.
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