Hello trying to use second RH4 wired as Client. 200' of cat 5 from network switch out of Server RH4. Second network switch at 100'. Remote (client) has control of conventionals BUT intermittent control of Moving Lights and LED pars. Server is Net # 1 Client is Net # 2. Both port 6600. Server "use default ip AND "enable DHCP" Client "obtain DHCP..."
what do you mean by intermittent? You have control sometimes? Cant select? Select but lose control? Could be the network is too slow and losing packets? is it Gigabit? Does the network status (green checkmark in bottom right of right touchscreen) stay connected or is it going in and out (yellow exclamation mark)?
Are those switches managed switches? Is there any routing tables set in the switches? Did you check the link speed? What are the switches reporting 10mbit, 100mbit, 1000mbit?