Hog 4 connectivity driver v3.2.1 1133

I am trying to hook a 4 universe show to wyswig via my road hog 4. I have done this successfully in the past many times. The console software is latest 3.2.1 the new connectivity driver 3.2.1 1133 is running on the PC . I have checked the fixture patch is correct, and the same on both PC and hog 4, IP addresses are correct, I have bound all the universes, and given the address as 1 .
All my fixtures work both in "design ' mode, and live on the workshop floor out of all universes . Everytime go to "Live" mode, and connect , all of the movers in the rig go mental as if getting bad or crossover dmx . Conventionals in the rig just lock on at 100% . I have NO control of anything from the desk to the PC wysywig screen. Apparently the new drivers back to 3.2.0 have changes the output to "Fixture net" port NOT as before Hog net port. I thought this would fix the problem when I tried it, but NO! funny thing is, even when there is NO console plugged in at ALL when I go to live, and connect, the same problem persists!
I find that very strange as if there is no console hooked up, how can the fixtures be getting bad juju if not from the PC or the driver itself?????? so, anyone out here had the same thing with this new driver? I have tried using an old driver, which stops this fault, BUT will then NOT connect to DP8000 no mater what I try. HELP?
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