Roadhog 4 & Hog4 PC - Console failover

Hey everyone,

I am trying to configure a Roadhog 4 console with Hog4 PC for console failover, but need some advice.

Basically, please tell me that I am wrong and that you don't need an external DP or dmx switch in order to achieve this.
Here's my current setup:

- Lighting rig DMX lines connected to Roadhog via DMX ports
- Roadhog console connected to ethernet router
- Hog4 PC connected to ethernet router
- Consoles are configured and talking. They are tracking each other, all good.

Now, if power to Roadhog is disconnected , the dmx output also stops.
So, am I correct to assume that you'll need an external DP to make this work? (Or is dmx signal still supposed to flow from ethernet port to dmx ports?)
(Or perhaps instead of an external DP, add an A/B dmx switch? As in, if you connect dmx output from both consoles to the dmx switch and manually switch from one console to another.)

Any thoughts anyone?
  • Yes, if road hog loses power, it's internal DP8000 also loses power.

    So your solution is to either use a A/B DMX switch with DMX from Road Hog and HogPC going it to it, or use a external DP8K. (also need an Ethernet switch with network line going to all consoles and to DP).
    MY preference is external DP since there isn't any thing you need to do in a fail situation. A/B switch is dependent on your speed at noticing problem and throwing the switch.
  • Yes, if road hog loses power, it's internal DP8000 also loses power.

    So your solution is to either use a A/B DMX switch with DMX from Road Hog and HogPC going it to it, or use a external DP8K. (also need an Ethernet switch with network line going to all consoles and to DP).
    MY preference is external DP since there isn't any thing you need to do in a fail situation. A/B switch is dependent on your speed at noticing problem and throwing the switch.
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