Hey guys got a venue with 20 Univ. on Art-net.. there house board is MA... I want to have my RH4 set up as a plug n Play rental for them, when they need it. I know each DP8000 is 16 Unv. Can someone please tell me what I need to buy and how to configure it so I can take it to venue and just plug in..
An addition to that.. I could not configure the Hog to there ETC art net.. they have no clue what they have.. I did find a Node but it had no addres just a black box I got the ip address off of the MA it started with 2 if that helps anyone? I am lost on Art-net I never use it.. and need some help.. Thanks
1 DP8k would be enough, as you can output another 8 lines of artnet from your RH4. So you would need a DP8K, a networkswitch and some networkcables.
Hog uses as standard the 10.x.x.x range, so only adjust your RH4 fixturenet port and the fixturenet port of your DP8k also in the 2.x.x.x range Also you need to know to which subnet and universe they are outputing and configure your RH4 and DP8k in a matching way
Also worth reading this: art-net.org.uk/?page_id=268
You will probably find that they are talking to the house ETC system through ETCNet. You can talk to this through SACN rather than artnet. It will still come out of the fixture net from the DP/console. You may need to up the priorities on the sacn output.