Hog 4 Network Link Up With GrandMa2 Via Artnet

Hi, have anyone tried using Hog 4 link up with GrandMa2 Via Artnet.
How do i do it?
Can it work?
Basically i've a rig of 15 Universe that need to be control using 2 Different console via artnet.
Have anyone tried this before?
  • It basically comes down to making sure your artnet mapping is all covered (and not 2 consoles sending the same universes).

    For us as a road house, I have all of my control (internal DP - Universes 1-8 and DP8000 universes 9-24) going out Artnet universes 32-38 and 39-54 respectively. I have the guest console patch our rig on Universes 1-8 (depending on what they have in their show). They can patch it anywhere if they are already using lower universes for their rig.

    In the NETWORK window, choose SETTINGS and then "Artnet Input" - You then tell the DP what Artnet universes to listen to in order to speak to the DP's (ours are set at 0/0 through 0/7 and 0/8 thru 0/15 (if they need all 24 universes).

    Then in the DMX window (SETUP / DMX). You select what you want them to control and press "SET TO ARTNET INPUT." For ease of selection (if there are things you DON'T want them to have), I make a group in the group window called (ARTNET CHANGEOVER). This group contains ANY fixtures you want them to control. When you press this group and then open the DMX window, all of the addresses will be in "BLUE" to make it easier to select what is being switched.

    I use Artnet Viewer on my mac on the artnet network to verify what universes are being sent to make sure they are being distributed properly.

  • It basically comes down to making sure your artnet mapping is all covered (and not 2 consoles sending the same universes).

    For us as a road house, I have all of my control (internal DP - Universes 1-8 and DP8000 universes 9-24) going out Artnet universes 32-38 and 39-54 respectively. I have the guest console patch our rig on Universes 1-8 (depending on what they have in their show). They can patch it anywhere if they are already using lower universes for their rig.

    In the NETWORK window, choose SETTINGS and then "Artnet Input" - You then tell the DP what Artnet universes to listen to in order to speak to the DP's (ours are set at 0/0 through 0/7 and 0/8 thru 0/15 (if they need all 24 universes).

    Then in the DMX window (SETUP / DMX). You select what you want them to control and press "SET TO ARTNET INPUT." For ease of selection (if there are things you DON'T want them to have), I make a group in the group window called (ARTNET CHANGEOVER). This group contains ANY fixtures you want them to control. When you press this group and then open the DMX window, all of the addresses will be in "BLUE" to make it easier to select what is being switched.

    I use Artnet Viewer on my mac on the artnet network to verify what universes are being sent to make sure they are being distributed properly.

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