1 RoadHog4 as main and second as clone

I am trying to use my main console on set, and my backup as a live clone in the dimmer room. So everything that I do on the main is automatically updated on the back up and if the main goes down I can just run to the backup and get everything back on. Less downtime while we are filming. Anyone have an idea of how to do this?
  • Would you be able to change to sACN or set priorities in the nodes?

    I use ELC nodes, there you can assign priorities for each output.
    I setup my main on subnet 0, universe 0..15, backup on subnet 1, universe 0..15, then assign the priorities on my outputs to the matching universes.

    sACN has this already implemented. There you do the assignment in the console/DP. You can even set priorities on a channel level if needed
  • Would you be able to change to sACN or set priorities in the nodes?

    I use ELC nodes, there you can assign priorities for each output.
    I setup my main on subnet 0, universe 0..15, backup on subnet 1, universe 0..15, then assign the priorities on my outputs to the matching universes.

    sACN has this already implemented. There you do the assignment in the console/DP. You can even set priorities on a channel level if needed
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