Connecting Hog4pc to Vision 2019 issues


I am having connection issues between the Vision 2019 and the Hog 4 pc running on the same computer.

I am running the latest Windows 10, theVision 2019 Sp1 and the latest Hog 4 pc and connectivity software.

Upon opening the Hog program, I have made sure that the visualizer streaming is turned on.

Opening up Vision and loading the show file, I make sure the dmx is set to Hognet. When I do that, a small window opens for the Hog Visualizer connection status. It eventually says "unable to connect to Wholehog"

On the Hog software; I have opened up the network window, and the settings for the Visualizer. I try the drop down menu for the Detected Visualizers and nothing appears. I have manually typed in the computers IP address in the top cell and click apply and nothing happens still.

I have re-installed all the software, restarted the computer, tried opening the programs in different orders, and using new show files with no connection being made

I did not have these issues running vision 2018 and HogPC in the past. Not sure where the problem lies.

I would appreciate any help in solving my problem.

Thank you, Glen Goodwin
  • Same issue.
    Uninstalled both programs, downloaded and installed vision 2019 first, then downloaded and installed Hog4PC 3.10. Opened up Vision2019, loaded show file, made sure Hognet is selected as the dmx provider.

    Opened up Hog4pc, made sure Visualizer is checked in the settings window of the startup window. Loaded my show file, when to network--settings--detect visualizer and still zeros. Went back to vision 2018 and it connects fine. Just not what I would like as I would prefer to run Vision 2019.

    Thanks for posting your comment and something to try.


  • Same issue.
    Uninstalled both programs, downloaded and installed vision 2019 first, then downloaded and installed Hog4PC 3.10. Opened up Vision2019, loaded show file, made sure Hognet is selected as the dmx provider.

    Opened up Hog4pc, made sure Visualizer is checked in the settings window of the startup window. Loaded my show file, when to network--settings--detect visualizer and still zeros. Went back to vision 2018 and it connects fine. Just not what I would like as I would prefer to run Vision 2019.

    Thanks for posting your comment and something to try.


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