I am looking to control Hog 4 OSC through TCP connection. It works fine with a UDP connection but when I enable TCP I get a connection (and MIDI Viewer shows the connection) But no OSC commands are coming through. Exact same setup except I'm sending the OSC packet down TCP instead of UDP. Anyone actually use OSC with TCP?
  • Yes. Think of data you send over the network as pieces of a puzzle that form a picture. With UDP you get all the pieces at once. With TCP you might get one piece, then another, then another, etc. So with TCP you need to know the number of pieces prior to attempting to put them all together to form the complete picture. That's why the OSC spec says to send the size first, so the receiver knows when to put together the pieces. In this analogy "pieces" are bytes and the "puzzle picture" is an OSC packet. :)]
  • Yes. Think of data you send over the network as pieces of a puzzle that form a picture. With UDP you get all the pieces at once. With TCP you might get one piece, then another, then another, etc. So with TCP you need to know the number of pieces prior to attempting to put them all together to form the complete picture. That's why the OSC spec says to send the size first, so the receiver knows when to put together the pieces. In this analogy "pieces" are bytes and the "puzzle picture" is an OSC packet. :)]
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