32 universos. Send fixture

Hello friends. I have a festival where the main console is Grand Ma are using npu and the entire network that generates this same console. using 32 universes. People ask me to send 32 universes from my console via Arnet and to enter the Ma. I am using hog 4 and rack hog. or dps the amount needed to send 32 universes (4). this is possible ? How would I have to perform the configuration?
  • The Hog 4 Console, Rack Hog and DP8000's can output up to 16 Universes each. Hog4/Rackhog run their own 'virtual DP' where the External DP8k is only a DP.

    You will need to network all of the HogNet ports on a switch so they can run the show. And on a separate switch, network the FixtureNet ports which will carry your ArtNet Output, which you will then network into the festival system.

    DP1 can be U1 - U16
    DP2 can be U17 - U32

    When you're patching your show you will need to specify the DP, the universe and the dmx address.
    101 @ 1/16/321 would be patched as DP1, U16, Address 321.
    102 @ 2/16/321 would be patched as DP2 U16 (which is really U32), Address 321.

    Setup > Network > DP8000 (click to select which one) > Settings > ArtNet Output
    This will list all the 16 Universes that DP is processing. You will need to enable all 16 Universes to output by clicking the blue plus symbol on each. Then you need to check the ArtNet Patch on each (U1 = 0.0, U2 = 0.1 etc)
    ArtNet starts from 0 as it's first value (unlike DMX or Hog where you can't have U0 or DMX address 0, they start from 1)
    ArtNet 0.0 means Subnet0 Universe0

    Check with the festival on what they're expecting, but it will likely be

    DP8000 Net Number 1
    Universe 1 = Artnet 0.0
    through to
    Universe 16 = Artnet 0.15

    DP8000 Net Number 2
    Universe 17 = Artnet 1.0
    through to
    Universe 32 = Artnet 1.15

    You'll also need to know what IP range they want your DP's FixtureNet to be on. Most likely to be 2.0.0.X or 10.0.0.X.

    There's a bit to cover there, but hopefully that puts you in the right direction. I might be assuming a bit of knowledge (networking, artnet) but ask away if you have more questions.
  • The Hog 4 Console, Rack Hog and DP8000's can output up to 16 Universes each. Hog4/Rackhog run their own 'virtual DP' where the External DP8k is only a DP.

    You will need to network all of the HogNet ports on a switch so they can run the show. And on a separate switch, network the FixtureNet ports which will carry your ArtNet Output, which you will then network into the festival system.

    DP1 can be U1 - U16
    DP2 can be U17 - U32

    When you're patching your show you will need to specify the DP, the universe and the dmx address.
    101 @ 1/16/321 would be patched as DP1, U16, Address 321.
    102 @ 2/16/321 would be patched as DP2 U16 (which is really U32), Address 321.

    Setup > Network > DP8000 (click to select which one) > Settings > ArtNet Output
    This will list all the 16 Universes that DP is processing. You will need to enable all 16 Universes to output by clicking the blue plus symbol on each. Then you need to check the ArtNet Patch on each (U1 = 0.0, U2 = 0.1 etc)
    ArtNet starts from 0 as it's first value (unlike DMX or Hog where you can't have U0 or DMX address 0, they start from 1)
    ArtNet 0.0 means Subnet0 Universe0

    Check with the festival on what they're expecting, but it will likely be

    DP8000 Net Number 1
    Universe 1 = Artnet 0.0
    through to
    Universe 16 = Artnet 0.15

    DP8000 Net Number 2
    Universe 17 = Artnet 1.0
    through to
    Universe 32 = Artnet 1.15

    You'll also need to know what IP range they want your DP's FixtureNet to be on. Most likely to be 2.0.0.X or 10.0.0.X.

    There's a bit to cover there, but hopefully that puts you in the right direction. I might be assuming a bit of knowledge (networking, artnet) but ask away if you have more questions.
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