DMX Artnet Input failing

Hi all,

I'm trying to practice a setup at home before I get on-site.
My goal: videos in Resolume Area should control fixtures on our Road Hog 4 via Artnet.

Current progress: I am successfully sending artnet data from Arena through my LAN and I'm receiving it on a laptop running Hog 4 PC (confirmed with DMX workshop).

The problem: No DMX values appear in the "DMX Output" window of the Hog.

I've followed the YouTube tutorial and the written documentation and checked my over and over, and I feel like I'm losing my mind.


Sending PCReceiving PC

Windows 10 Pro, Resolume Arena 6.1.3 rev63441Windows 10 Pro, Hog 4 PC v3.12.0 (b2351)
Subnet 0, Universe 0. DMX Channels: 1 thru 18Same

Network: A flat layer 2 LAN, no firewall. Sending PC is wired to managed switch, receiving PC is connected to Wireless AP.


  • Hog UI

  • Hog Art-Net Input Settings

  • Hog Art-Net Output Settings

  • Hog FixtureNet Settings

  • DMX Workshop

  • Resolume Output Settings

  • Resolume DMX Settings

Troubleshooting steps

  • Windows firewall is disabled on both computers

  • Packet captures from both ends are good: traffic is flowing, DMX data inside is as expected

Thanks all.