Hello to all!
I am trying to send MTC from Reaper to my roadhog 4.. I tried sending it with the RTPloop software to hog4pc from repaer and then stream it though hognet to my roadhog 4 but this didn't seem to work so i bought an M-Audio MIDISport 4x4.
I am outputting from my Mac OS Laptop with a Focusrite 18i20 that has Midi IN/OUT to the Midisport 4x4 that is connected to the RH4. The front signal lights of the midisport light up correctly to the MTC signal but i can't get it to work.. I configured it on RH4 and sees the unit.
What ive done:
Opened reaper -> Drag and dropped the audio track -> created a generated timecode track and checked the MTC to output -> went to reaper settings under midi devices and enables the focusrite 18i20 to output enabled + clock. Then i connected the output of the 18i20 to the input of the midisport 4x4 and the midisport to RH4. In RH4 under network settings -> console settings -> midi timecode i enabled the midisport to timecode 1 and i presses to view the timecode toolbar.
When i play the track on reaper the lights on the midi sport go on as espected but the console wont start the timecode.. Any help please?