OSC and Effect Rate Batches

Hey there,

I might need a little help.

My Hog4 Showfile contains a lot of pages. On one page there is a batch in effect rate mode. I'd like to set the effect rate of this batch.

In a nutshell the hardware is a tap tempo button with a python script. Currently it's configured to send BPM data to EOS and Resolume. In EOS it is configured to set a Global FX effect rate fader to a value. The fader is configured from 0 to 800 and all effects use default 150 BPM. So python calculates the BPM while tapping the buttons and sets the fader accordingly. Also while tapping it directly sends the 'button down'/'button up' to the Resolume Tap.

Now I'd like to expand it to Hog. I thought about maybe setting the fader to value like on EOS or using the learn tempo button combination of holding choose and tapping pause. But I thought it would be best to access the batch directly without using a fader. Does anybody know how I can directly access the effect rate of a batch via OSC? It seems the documentation of OSC addresses of Hog4 is a little bit short.

