What new software features can we expect... Media server integration CITP , Ipad/android app, Pixel mapping .... maybe even custom icons for gobos would be great to know what's in the pipe line and how far away features are.
ipad is alread there, you use OSC for that, the HOG4 console supports now direct OSC. And there are templates for TouchOSC available for download. A lot of Media-Server-Integration, not only CITP is coming, but not in V1. All you mentioned is in the pipe-line.
Where can I find a touchOSC layout for the hog4 software? I love touchOSC and it's feature and flexibility... Nice to read that!
Are there still scenes and cuelists? And is it possible to execute both as virtuals in a guarded scene and list directory? Getting them into the command line and execute it with a custom command on these new led buttons...?
[QUOTE=inroyal;62898]Where can I find a touchOSC layout for the hog4 software?
I believe it the layout templates will be made available when H4PC launches publicly
[QUOTE=inroyal;62898]Are there still scenes and cuelists?
Yes. That remains unchanged.
[QUOTE=inroyal;62898]And is it possible to execute both as virtuals in a guarded scene and list directory? Getting them into the command line and execute it with a custom command on these new led buttons...?
You will still be able to fire Lists and Scenes from the touchscreens (Virtual Masters), but only if the Guard key is off in that directory (same as Hog-3).
In the initial H4 v1.0.0 software release, the LCD buttons will only serve as a programming aid (User Kinds), but there are plans to add some playback functions there as well such as putting Lists, Scenes, Keystroke Macros, etc onto the LCD buttons in v2.
Thanks! Are there any major changes in the fx engine or the playback functions? I'm a fan of changing fade times of scenes like for color or positions with a keystroke macro executed as a comment macro in a scene. Love to see this working with cuelists without a long array of calling each list and cue...
What do you think of an fx engine with base positions - like move a sine wave from position 1 to position 2 or a inverted ramp from color 1 to color 2 etc.do you think that would make sense?
[QUOTE=inroyal;62905]Are there any major changes in the fx engine or the playback functions?
Not in the V1 release software. There is a major overhaul planned for the FX Engine though for sometime in V2.
I think the idea for Hog-4 was that the hardware was ready, so they just got the software to a stable state and "fleshed out" a few nice extra features so the product could be released. Once released the developers will be freed up to work on many of the new features and enhancements we've all been anticipating.