HOG 4 Mac OS,

Well we be able to use NanoHog4 with Mac OS ? ore it have to be with PC(windows) only. Will be ready for Windows 8 ?:footinmouth:
  • [QUOTE=emilianomorgia@mac.com;62919]The question here is if they will release a version for Linux.

    I love my mac but if I have to use the HogPc I wish to use it under linux.

    The bigger question (to me at least) is whether any version of Hog-4 is still based on Linux, or if they have crippled the entire product family with WhinDuhs . . . At least in the Hog-3, the full-up console wasn't plagued by Win* . . .

    (bassman - I would not be too sure about that . . the first thing HES did when they bought Hog-3 was to drive it towards Whin* . . . Only the full-up Hog-3 was Linux . . . Everything released on the HES watch was crippled . . . )

    - Tim
  • [QUOTE=emilianomorgia@mac.com;62919]The question here is if they will release a version for Linux.

    I love my mac but if I have to use the HogPc I wish to use it under linux.

    The bigger question (to me at least) is whether any version of Hog-4 is still based on Linux, or if they have crippled the entire product family with WhinDuhs . . . At least in the Hog-3, the full-up console wasn't plagued by Win* . . .

    (bassman - I would not be too sure about that . . the first thing HES did when they bought Hog-3 was to drive it towards Whin* . . . Only the full-up Hog-3 was Linux . . . Everything released on the HES watch was crippled . . . )

    - Tim
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