HOG 4 Mac OS,

Well we be able to use NanoHog4 with Mac OS ? ore it have to be with PC(windows) only. Will be ready for Windows 8 ?:footinmouth:
  • Robert you are not correctly informed , there are none Viruses ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_virus ) for Osx,there has been problem with Java but that not part os the Os it self and there has been 2 or 3 malware that as been installed by the users them self purposely. There is no way to be attached by a virus on osx until you are going to give access to it intentionally by typing the password. BTW this all end with the introduction of the Mac App Store and gate Keeper on the lasted Osx 10.8 Mountain Lion.
  • Robert you are not correctly informed , there are none Viruses ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_virus ) for Osx,there has been problem with Java but that not part os the Os it self and there has been 2 or 3 malware that as been installed by the users them self purposely. There is no way to be attached by a virus on osx until you are going to give access to it intentionally by typing the password. BTW this all end with the introduction of the Mac App Store and gate Keeper on the lasted Osx 10.8 Mountain Lion.
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