Lets talk about straight facts..... PCs are still 80% of the market-share worldwide. Android is rapidly outgunning iOS (they just took 75% of the market share last quarter).
As has already been discussed a bit in this thread Macs create the illusion of being more secure, when in fact they are actually far more vulnerable to an attack than PC systems....but with such a small percentage of computers being Apple based, it really isn't worth anyone's time yet to go after them with viruses, etc...
Try hooking up a Blu-Ray drive and playing a Blu-Ray movie on your Mac......you can't.....the HD standard for consumer video is not supported by Apple b/c they don't want to pay license fees to Sony.
Try getting the latest and greatest video card and putting it in your Mac Pro tower.......only if Apple decides to support it....and only then, and it will probably be 6 months to a year before they do so if you're lucky.
If you choose a Mac (and I understand why some might), you simply must have a dual boot system if you intend on running any serious lighting software tools.
I would say that without the dual-boot option, far fewer people in this business would even bother with a Mac for professional purposes.
We can debate the merits and drawbacks of each system endlessly, but that is far beyond the scope of this forum.
There simply is no good reason to bog down a developer (any developer not just consoles) with having to test on Mac OS as well as PC when folks already need to have a dual-boot system if they run Mac in this industry.
Lets talk about straight facts..... PCs are still 80% of the market-share worldwide. Android is rapidly outgunning iOS (they just took 75% of the market share last quarter).
As has already been discussed a bit in this thread Macs create the illusion of being more secure, when in fact they are actually far more vulnerable to an attack than PC systems....but with such a small percentage of computers being Apple based, it really isn't worth anyone's time yet to go after them with viruses, etc...
Try hooking up a Blu-Ray drive and playing a Blu-Ray movie on your Mac......you can't.....the HD standard for consumer video is not supported by Apple b/c they don't want to pay license fees to Sony.
Try getting the latest and greatest video card and putting it in your Mac Pro tower.......only if Apple decides to support it....and only then, and it will probably be 6 months to a year before they do so if you're lucky.
If you choose a Mac (and I understand why some might), you simply must have a dual boot system if you intend on running any serious lighting software tools.
I would say that without the dual-boot option, far fewer people in this business would even bother with a Mac for professional purposes.
We can debate the merits and drawbacks of each system endlessly, but that is far beyond the scope of this forum.
There simply is no good reason to bog down a developer (any developer not just consoles) with having to test on Mac OS as well as PC when folks already need to have a dual-boot system if they run Mac in this industry.