Uh, Hog-4 is *NOT* an OS . . . Linux is the OS - Hog-4 is an application atop of Linux . . . much in the same way that Roadhog-3 was an application atop Windows . . . they may not market it that way, but that *IS* the truth of the situation . . . Hog-? should really be thought of as all the components that run the console - no matter what they actually are . . .
I am certain, however, that your question is more of one of features and such . . . so forgive the nitpick, but to some of us, it is significant . . .
When you say "USB Dongle4," are you referring to the USB DMX Widgets Uper and Single?
Just for a little clarification, All peripherals for Hog 3 platforms will function with Hog 4 hardware- DP8000, Widgets, RoadHog and Hog 3 Playback and Programming Wings, and Expansion Wing.