TouchOSC template

Since I've seen a lot of posts about this I thought I'd be nice and share. Save somebody else some work.

I based these of off the "old" hog3 wings. This is for the ipad

A few "release notes". As per my last post, if you are using the PC version encoders and faders will not work. As such I've not been able to actually test them (someone with a console wanna try it out?).

Right now I only have first 10 faders programed into it, but when i get some time I'll add a few more fader pages and if there is enough interest i'll make an ipod/phone version

Oh and this one uses the OSC functions NOT the Midi notes
  • [QUOTE=Firewood1;63620]'s such a faff though, I just wish Touch OSC for Android would just crack on and bring it up to the level of the Apple release.

    There is another free OSC Android app called "Control" that uses JSON files (JavaScript).
    I've got the HES templates successfully converted to the ".js" format (an easy hack actually), but they are not loading properly yet in Control.
    I think I may have found the issue, but won't have more time to work on it till later this week.
  • [QUOTE=Firewood1;63620]'s such a faff though, I just wish Touch OSC for Android would just crack on and bring it up to the level of the Apple release.

    There is another free OSC Android app called "Control" that uses JSON files (JavaScript).
    I've got the HES templates successfully converted to the ".js" format (an easy hack actually), but they are not loading properly yet in Control.
    I think I may have found the issue, but won't have more time to work on it till later this week.
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