I don't own any DMX widgets, so I was curious about the whole Artnet out on Hog4PC. I understand you have to have a Hog widget inline. Can someone elaborate as to what excactly you get? If you have a single DMX widget and a DP2K, does that mean you can only use one DMX port via Artnet on the DP2K? Does the DMX port via Artnet mirror the DMX widget or can you actually expand more universes of DMX?
Exact!!! 1 Output per Widget mirrors this universe to the artnet-output.
From the brochure: Art-Net/sACN Support for Hog 4PC Hog 4PC can output Art-net/sACN up to 8 universes. Each universe of output is enabled when a matching USB widget output is mapped and physically connected.
Artnet works great... Output on the Main Board of the PC ( Hog 4PC )
We have several systems,... some in Windows 7 ( They output Artnet just fine ) but some still on the Windows XP -- those did not output Artnet directly from the PC... Any Clues ??? The 8 DMX Super Widgets work just fine,
What exactly is the benifit to adding a DP2K then? You aren't really getting additional DMX ports. I guess it just gives you the ability to put a universe further away via an Artnet network.
You can only run Artnet 300 feet before you start to have issues. You can run DMX 2000 feet before you start having problems. One advantage is having up to 16 universes on one cat 6 cable.
The only thing the DP2000 will do is give you the conversion of artnet to dmx. It will not unlock any universes in artnet mode. It looks like everything is moving to the usb format. They even have a super duper widget allowing 8 universes.
I think that if you have two super widgets, which gives you 8 DMX universes, it would make sense that a DP2K could then be added via Artnet for DMX ports 9 thru 12 and another for 13 thru 16. It should work in a similar manor to the DP8K. A DP8K only gives you 8 actual DMX ports, you have to add a DP2K or some other Artnet node to get the other 8 universes(via DMX). Maybe I'm over thinking this. I don't even own widgets, but I do use my DP2Ks via Artnet out of my DP8K. I was just thinking how nice it would be for those who use widgets to have the ability to expand via artnet, but it sounds like they can't expand, they can only mirror. Just my 2c.
The advantage of outputting Artnet is that most visualisation software will accept Artnet in through the PCs Ethernet port. For a PC to accept DMX in over XLR, you'd need to buy a compatible interface card.
Artnet is also used in all media-server-situations. Or in larger installations (like big car-exhibitions with several dimmercities), you only run 1 Cat5/6 Cable and have up to 256 universes in one cable, set your nodes in the dimmer-cities to the universe you need and there you go...
question so i have one dmx Widget which means one universes but by having a widget does that mean i also have a Artnet universe thats not just going to mirror my dmx universe but actually have its own universe and leave me with two universes to be used by connecting my widget and using both universes at the same time?
That's what this post was asking. The answer is no. DMX Widgets do not unlock additional DMX ports via Artnet. Any Artnet nodes used on Hog4PC only mirror any attached DMX widgets.