Rate wheel Fullboar4

I find the wheel rate really useful, unfortunately it is not present on the Fullboar4.
Do you think it is possible to add on Fullboar4 with a midi device?
If yes, do you know a midi device with a wheel like this?


  • Hi Gael,

    At section 18.2.4 page 293 of manual, you can find midi note for rate wheel+ and rate wheel- The thing I don't know yet is if it is working on other console than the hog4. I dont' know any midi wheel device but little midi keyboard should be OK

    Perhaps I will see you @ JTSE next week ;-)
  • Hi stephane,
    I'd seen it on the manual and like you I wonder if "midi rate wheel" can be applied to other console than Hog4.
    Perhaps in a near futur it will be very great to add this rate wheel on the trackball's rotary encoder option....
    But for the moment I would like to know if it's possible to control it with midi and witch device can do this. I agree for keyboard solution but I prefer a little pad with wheels like on hog4.

    (I think coming to JTSE but I don't know what day for the moment)
  • If you have PC midi cable, it is easy to know, make a test with the Hog 4 PC ;-) (I don't have cable to output Midi from my computer)

    I'm agree with you for the pad it would be better, Akaï et Novation are doing some good products.
    Rate on Trackball Ring is a good idea!
    Next week at JTSE we will have somebody from HES, so I will ask about rate wheel midi control. If you or other guy have question don't hesitate, send them to me and if we don't have answer we will ask next week.

  • Hi steph & gael , i'd seen too that the rate shell is yet implemented on the midi chart tab. But It's implemented on two midi note : rate + and rate -.
    So, control that by midi, needs to two physical midi controllers. For example : 1 fader for rate + and 1 fader for rate -.

    I don't know any midi product ( fader ou rotary knobs ) abble to send two notes ( one midi note in the first rotating way, and the second midi note in the invert way ).

    I think that 2 midi pads will be more efficient : first pad to send rate - value step by step , and the other pad to send rate + step by step.

    So most difficulty will be to find a small controller which keep it's own midi configuration without a laptop ( pc or mac ) with midi connection.

    I'm sure that a solution can be found, and i'll test midi implementation as soon as possible.
  • [QUOTE=sjaume;63688]I don't know any midi product ( fader ou rotary knobs ) abble to send two notes ( one midi note in the first rotating way, and the second midi note in the invert way ).

    I think that 2 midi pads will be more efficient : first pad to send rate - value step by step , and the other pad to send rate + step by step.

    That's why I though about little keyboard or Pad from Novation
