Rate wheel Fullboar4

I find the wheel rate really useful, unfortunately it is not present on the Fullboar4.
Do you think it is possible to add on Fullboar4 with a midi device?
If yes, do you know a midi device with a wheel like this?


  • Hi steph & gael , i'd seen too that the rate shell is yet implemented on the midi chart tab. But It's implemented on two midi note : rate + and rate -.
    So, control that by midi, needs to two physical midi controllers. For example : 1 fader for rate + and 1 fader for rate -.

    I don't know any midi product ( fader ou rotary knobs ) abble to send two notes ( one midi note in the first rotating way, and the second midi note in the invert way ).

    I think that 2 midi pads will be more efficient : first pad to send rate - value step by step , and the other pad to send rate + step by step.

    So most difficulty will be to find a small controller which keep it's own midi configuration without a laptop ( pc or mac ) with midi connection.

    I'm sure that a solution can be found, and i'll test midi implementation as soon as possible.
  • Hi steph & gael , i'd seen too that the rate shell is yet implemented on the midi chart tab. But It's implemented on two midi note : rate + and rate -.
    So, control that by midi, needs to two physical midi controllers. For example : 1 fader for rate + and 1 fader for rate -.

    I don't know any midi product ( fader ou rotary knobs ) abble to send two notes ( one midi note in the first rotating way, and the second midi note in the invert way ).

    I think that 2 midi pads will be more efficient : first pad to send rate - value step by step , and the other pad to send rate + step by step.

    So most difficulty will be to find a small controller which keep it's own midi configuration without a laptop ( pc or mac ) with midi connection.

    I'm sure that a solution can be found, and i'll test midi implementation as soon as possible.
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