When installing Hog4PC on a new Windows 7 (64 bit) computer I am recieving a Error 2738 when the installer reaches the point that it extracts the fixture libraries. When I hit OK on the window, it rolls back the install. I have done all the most recent Windows updates. I downladed 3.2.6 and tried to install this version also. I get the same error number part way through the install. I attached a screen shot.
[QUOTE=sanderdegraaf;64494]I received the error also when trying to install on a drive other than C:\ Installing it on the first hard-drive of my PC fixed the problem.
This should have been fixed with version 1.0.1. What version are you trying to install?
[QUOTE=sanderdegraaf;64494]I received the error also when trying to install on a drive other than C:\ Installing it on the first hard-drive of my PC fixed the problem.
This should have been fixed with version 1.0.1. What version are you trying to install?