Palette Recording Problem

Hi there
There're still some big Problems with the merge function into existing palettes. Sometimes I can't merge any changes into the existing Palettes.
This is a mess for a Show with lot of different fixtures and palettes! Replace wan't work for my sactual how....
This bug should have high priority.
System is a Hog4 (b321) with a Fullboar in the same Network, the poblem happens also when I use just one of These desks.
  • Gentlemen, do happen to have any examples of this issue? There are not any bugs that I am aware in regards to your post.

    HG, you mention "replace" doesn't work in palettes. Can you give an example of how you are trying to use the replace functionality in a merge palette situation?

    It's good to keep in mind that the automated merging logic for palettes is quite complicate as it changes depending on the contents of your programmer in terms of which rules we try to add/append to the palette. For example, you cannot change a global rule for a pallet e unless all values in your programmer match and you select global as the merge option. This is why it is important to establish exactly which situations you are seeing the failure in.
  • Gentlemen, do happen to have any examples of this issue? There are not any bugs that I am aware in regards to your post.

    HG, you mention "replace" doesn't work in palettes. Can you give an example of how you are trying to use the replace functionality in a merge palette situation?

    It's good to keep in mind that the automated merging logic for palettes is quite complicate as it changes depending on the contents of your programmer in terms of which rules we try to add/append to the palette. For example, you cannot change a global rule for a pallet e unless all values in your programmer match and you select global as the merge option. This is why it is important to establish exactly which situations you are seeing the failure in.
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