I recently received my HOG Full Boar 4 and need to add the Elation LED Spot pro to the library. I am not sure where I need to go or click to make this happen.
If the library is not included in the latest software build, you can look at the link below and see if it is at the Hog Library Downloader site. www.flyingpig.com/support/hog3/downloads/library/index.shtml
If we do not have the fixture already created, you can send a link to the fixture's DMX table to hoglibraries@highend.com and they can create one.
If you have the library and just need to add it to your show. In the File Browser tab of the Shows window, SETUP->SHOWS, you can drag the fixture into the Libraries folder.
From the Fixture window, FIXTURE->OPEN, press the FIXTURE SCHEDULE button. In the Fixture Schedule, press SELECT LIBRARY and add and patch as usual.
What is the file type suppose to be. It's not picking the library off of my flash drive if I'm suppose to be able to add it through the fixture schedule.
I'm trying to add elation led spot pro single fixture to the library
Did you first frag the fixture into the libraries folder or are you trying to get it directly from the flash drive? Try dragging it into the libraries folder and then opening the Fixture window and press the SELECT LIBRARY BUTTON and it should show up.
If the above doesn't work, let us know where you got the library, and what the full name of the file you have is.
There is no pop-up-window!!! Put your flash drive in the USB-port, then press SETUP - SHOWS, select the FILE BROWSER tab, choose your flash-drive, select the lib-file, drag and drop it to the Libraries folder on the left. After that go to the patch-window, fixture-schedule, select-library, add and patch as usual....