Bug - Not holding mode selection Indigo LEDs

We just took delivery of our Full Boar 4 and Playback Wing 4.

When working with TechnoArc or TechnoSpot and you select the Indigo LED mode and then hit clear, it does not remember your selection. In Hog 3 OS, you would select independent dim mode and then you could operate the Indigo LED intensity seperately from the master intensity. That selection would remain in effect until you selected another mode. (Similar to the playboack mode for media servers like Catalyst & Axon.)

In Hog 4, this selection only works in the programmer, once you hit clear the selection is forgotten.

Travis Slyter
Ruehling Associates, Inc.
  • Respectfully, we will have to agree to disagree if this is the intended behavior.

    In Hog 3 you could tell a media server the playback mode and it would keep that mode after you hit clear until you told it to do something else. Anytime you pulled up a media file and gave it an intensity it played back in that mode until you selected another mode. You did not have to re-enable that mode every time you grabbed a media server layer in the programer. You did not have to go into fixture editor to make that attribute a non-releasable attribute. It just worked that way be default in Hog 3.

    I have already had a couple of people doing demos of our Nano and Full Boar 4 make the comment that the mode function does not operate in Hog 4 as it did in Hog 3.

    I can verify this as I was just programming with TechnoArc and TechnoSpots in Hog 3 and once I switched the Indigo LED mode to Independent rather than Track with Master, I didn't have to reselect that again. I would just bring up the Indigo LEDs with their intensity channel. In Hog 4, I have to select that mode every time I want to separately turn on the Indigo LEDs without the main lamp being on. Very annoying and slows programming down.

    Makes me wonder if those parameters were set by default not to be releasable in Hog 3 and set by default to be releasable in Hog 4. Creating a lot of confusion and frustration so far with Hog 3 users here. I could see that being a major issue with digital lights and media servers in the future.

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling Associates, Inc.
  • Respectfully, we will have to agree to disagree if this is the intended behavior.

    In Hog 3 you could tell a media server the playback mode and it would keep that mode after you hit clear until you told it to do something else. Anytime you pulled up a media file and gave it an intensity it played back in that mode until you selected another mode. You did not have to re-enable that mode every time you grabbed a media server layer in the programer. You did not have to go into fixture editor to make that attribute a non-releasable attribute. It just worked that way be default in Hog 3.

    I have already had a couple of people doing demos of our Nano and Full Boar 4 make the comment that the mode function does not operate in Hog 4 as it did in Hog 3.

    I can verify this as I was just programming with TechnoArc and TechnoSpots in Hog 3 and once I switched the Indigo LED mode to Independent rather than Track with Master, I didn't have to reselect that again. I would just bring up the Indigo LEDs with their intensity channel. In Hog 4, I have to select that mode every time I want to separately turn on the Indigo LEDs without the main lamp being on. Very annoying and slows programming down.

    Makes me wonder if those parameters were set by default not to be releasable in Hog 3 and set by default to be releasable in Hog 4. Creating a lot of confusion and frustration so far with Hog 3 users here. I could see that being a major issue with digital lights and media servers in the future.

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling Associates, Inc.
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