Just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible or has played around with the Hog3 iPC to see if there is a way to convert it into wings for a Hog4PC?
No.... The ipc frontpanel wont be recognized by HOG4PC
Some chipsets are different (these are the chips that indicate the mainboard what kind of console it is)
In a Fullboar and Roadhog the Frontpanel are the same, only this chipset is different... So no chance to make a Fullboar out of a Roadhog... Or a "Nano" out of an iPC
Will all the other widgets work for hog 4? The trade in value.i was offered wasn't worth the touch screebs themselves. But everyones gotta make some.money.
Yeah it is all USB... But some chips identify the frontpanel, so that the mainboard knows what kind of console it is. Same in RH4 and Nano, same Hardware except those chips
Sorry Ben the front panels on all H3 consoles will not work with the H4OS.
Kurtis All single widgets, super widgets, playback and programmer wings, x wing, dp8k, TC widget will work with the H4OS. Also the DP8K Expander can now be connected to a any H4 platform console and 4PC, it will appear as a super duper widget.
Just curious, if the usb programming and playback wings are supported. Why not the front panels of the other consoles or atleast the end of life consoles like the ipc? Its already out of warranty. All.the other widgets will work with pc. I have Invested more into this then the wings have. I was alittle offended the trade in value of the complete ipc touch screens included was 600 cad. I was obly trading in for a road hog 4 but yeah.
Just curious, there almost the same product. I will post a request for this functionality with my actual ideas as i've been thinking about this alot.
[QUOTE=MLorenz;65542]All existing wings are supported.
Sorry my if wasn't actually a question but a statement. Not the best wording. I realize all the wings are supported. Just trying to male a case for the ipc being like the wings. Not wanting a dedicated software, just support with hog 4 pc
But it would need also some modifications to the console to be done... And as these chipset which identify the wings are not available, HOG4PC wont recognize the frontpanel as a programmerwing and playbackwing....