Full Boar 4 Playback wing funkyness

Our new FB4 playback was installed a couple of days ago. Since we've noticed a few things and we're curious to see if its just us, a bug, or something we've missed

1) When we load the show all the faders pop to Full on the wing.

2) The touch screen on the playback's touches are being read on the right hand screen of the console

Any Ideas?
  • Sorry for the delay. 1.1.1 solved the touch issues. boots faster as well. However the GPU driver doesn't seem to like to output anything other then 1024x720. Which is fine for a couple of us.

    The Elo has no issues with resolution changes when hooked to any of the other PC's ,mac's or Linus boxes we have available.

    Although the Patch notes don't have anything specific to the issue we're planning on trying .2(or any other that hits before) and see if that fixes things up.
  • Sorry for the delay. 1.1.1 solved the touch issues. boots faster as well. However the GPU driver doesn't seem to like to output anything other then 1024x720. Which is fine for a couple of us.

    The Elo has no issues with resolution changes when hooked to any of the other PC's ,mac's or Linus boxes we have available.

    Although the Patch notes don't have anything specific to the issue we're planning on trying .2(or any other that hits before) and see if that fixes things up.
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