Roadhog problems

Since last friday i got my Roadhog 4 :)

So far i have 2 problems.

1. When i shutdown the system, the desk will not restart directly.
When i push the button off and on nothing will happen.
After i wait for about 20sec en put my connector out of the power supply, the desk will restart ?

Another thing,
2 .When i am using dark color scheme, all the background is grey.
Except the cue list. The cue List is white en the texting in black. Not useable in the theater setting :15:

waiting for respons

  • Michael

    Please follow the tech note on the FPS website to improve the boot up time. It was written for the Full Boar but the steps are the same for the Road Hog.
    The error message is NOTHING to worrie about, this will be hidden if a future release.

    6. Startup: Fail----I noticed the same issue as reported earlier in this forum---When I shut down console, and flip rocker switch, it will not startup again on first try (with rocker switch)...Definitely a bummer here...Also, when shutting down the screen flashes a quick error message that a connection has failed---I assume it is looking for a primary server (dp8000, etc). but not sure....

    If your front panel is bent please contact support so we can take care of this.

    Is it just me or was my facepanel warped out of the box? By facepanel, I mean the metal piece around the touchscreen with fader labels (1-10) printed on it. It seems to almost "buckle" in the center (bottom side)...

    I am not sure what you are asking here?

    I am at a loss with what to do with my RH4 in order to ensure stability and functionality. Suggestions? Comments?

    The LC dongle should be 32 universe, we are Speaking with LC and should have an answer on this soon.
    3. LightConverse license only includes 1 universe?
  • Michael

    Please follow the tech note on the FPS website to improve the boot up time. It was written for the Full Boar but the steps are the same for the Road Hog.
    The error message is NOTHING to worrie about, this will be hidden if a future release.

    6. Startup: Fail----I noticed the same issue as reported earlier in this forum---When I shut down console, and flip rocker switch, it will not startup again on first try (with rocker switch)...Definitely a bummer here...Also, when shutting down the screen flashes a quick error message that a connection has failed---I assume it is looking for a primary server (dp8000, etc). but not sure....

    If your front panel is bent please contact support so we can take care of this.

    Is it just me or was my facepanel warped out of the box? By facepanel, I mean the metal piece around the touchscreen with fader labels (1-10) printed on it. It seems to almost "buckle" in the center (bottom side)...

    I am not sure what you are asking here?

    I am at a loss with what to do with my RH4 in order to ensure stability and functionality. Suggestions? Comments?

    The LC dongle should be 32 universe, we are Speaking with LC and should have an answer on this soon.
    3. LightConverse license only includes 1 universe?
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