Roadhog problems

Since last friday i got my Roadhog 4 :)

So far i have 2 problems.

1. When i shutdown the system, the desk will not restart directly.
When i push the button off and on nothing will happen.
After i wait for about 20sec en put my connector out of the power supply, the desk will restart ?

Another thing,
2 .When i am using dark color scheme, all the background is grey.
Except the cue list. The cue List is white en the texting in black. Not useable in the theater setting :15:

waiting for respons

  • [QUOTE=michael_graham;65487]Sebastien

    If you did the full tech note your desk should boot without having to wait 5 seconds.
    Did you cut the reset switch wire?
    I would re-do the tech note making sure you do every step.
    If you still have the same problem I would contact our support dept.

    Hi i made all the steps and i cut the reset switch wire. That didn't change anything.

    After switch off the console, i have to wait that the red led ( power led on the rear panel ), being off ( 5s) to switch on the console.

    best regards

  • [QUOTE=michael_graham;65487]Sebastien

    If you did the full tech note your desk should boot without having to wait 5 seconds.
    Did you cut the reset switch wire?
    I would re-do the tech note making sure you do every step.
    If you still have the same problem I would contact our support dept.

    Hi i made all the steps and i cut the reset switch wire. That didn't change anything.

    After switch off the console, i have to wait that the red led ( power led on the rear panel ), being off ( 5s) to switch on the console.

    best regards

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