v1.1.2 b339 Record command doesn't record

v1.1.2 b339 Hog4,

Make cue on Programmer,(Select group and give parameter value.)
Then touch another Group pallet.
Do nothing(keep selecting but don't give any value on any parameter for these group.)
Press record, Enter.
Command line goes to blue.
But you couldn't have cue.

  • Problem is that your are selecting a group and doing nothing, that means the programming syntax is a "unfinished" state.
    Because if you press record and instead of the choose a group button would result in a new group...
    If you hit enter after selecting the group and then record the cue it works.

    Not quite sure if it is a bug or normal behaviour
  • Marc,
    Thank you for your replay.

    I'm understanding why this was happen.
    However, this one is also happen with merge.
    And when you doing with merge, situation will be little bit more complicate.
    Because, when you fail make a cue with this procedure, you can recognize with missing cue.
    However, when you fail merge data with cue. We have to check data within cue.

    I'm highly recommend, when fail command on result.
    Command line goes to red as failed.

    This is my normal behavior.

    Thank you again,
