Ok so I've done this before on gMA desk and though I'm fairly new with the hog OS I'm in love. The interface is much more user friendly and after receiving the FB4, I was blown away. But enough ass kissing, here's what I wanna do. It's simple.
I have a cue list set to one of my faders with a stack of strobe cues set at different rates so that as you punch through it builds up the speed and ends on a cue that blasts them into a ramp down effect. Easy, effective but what I want is a fader next to the cue on my page to control the rate of the strobes so essentially I can just have two cues in the stack and two faders to control intensity and rate. So that I'll have one list with "strobe" and "blast". When I'm in strobe cue I can use one fader for intensity and one for strobe rate. But when I hit the next and only other cue it triggers my ramp down effect and fades them out when the beat drops. I know this is easy I just need someone to point me in the right direction as to where I can set different parameters to the faders instead of just intensity. Sorry for the remedial question and thanks HES community.