I tried to get OSC going while working last night and when I turned the board on, it wants to load in Hog 4 PC mode? WHat did I do wrong and how do I get my board back up???
What exactly is your setup? Console SW version....you mention Fixture Link....are you using ArtNet or sACN? Not sure what you mean by "H4PC" mode....there is no such mode as far as I'm aware on a FB4..... Try disconnecting everything and power off the desk and restart with nothing connected....this will be the best place to start figuring out where your problem lies.
What exactly is your setup? Console SW version....you mention Fixture Link....are you using ArtNet or sACN? Not sure what you mean by "H4PC" mode....there is no such mode as far as I'm aware on a FB4..... Try disconnecting everything and power off the desk and restart with nothing connected....this will be the best place to start figuring out where your problem lies.