I tried to get OSC going while working last night and when I turned the board on, it wants to load in Hog 4 PC mode? WHat did I do wrong and how do I get my board back up???
JP Is your desk running correctly? If you get a GUI front panel when launching a show on RH4, FB4 or H4 that means the system did not see the front panel. I would make sure all wires are fully seated and then re-boot the desk.
That was weird.. And Im still uncertain what the hell happened..Im just happy that HES was on the phone trouble shooting with me the whole time and once we hit a brickwall, they overnighted another board.. Who else does that *** these days.. Kudos to their support.. I eventually had to run the show that night in the state it was.. One screen.. no playback, program abilities on board, no internal DMX universes, just me a tiny instance of hog4 PC and a working super widget..