Has anyone else run across the issue below...or happen to find away other then restarting or logging off the console to fix it....
During playback of the show, any time we add, update or modify a cue stack in any way prior to running the show, the console will randomly fire cue stacks that are attached to a playback wing without the stack being selected or a macro calling for said stack/s. To reproduce this issue we’ve simply added or modified cues or stacks (some required for the show to run and others that have no bearing whatsoever on the show) and then run the show. The issue tracks across to the laptop backup(as it should in the current setup). The issue also happens when running the show directly from the laptop using the above 4 OS’s.
At the moment the only way we’ve found to circumvent the issue is to reboot the console before we attempt to run the show after we make modifications which isn’t very conducive to on the fly changes as the show progresses.
At the moment we do not see this issue on our other show, however that show has no macro calls in it at the moment.