Maybe a bug?

Fullboar4 v 1.1.3 (b352)

I noticed a rather annoying problem (and since the wholehogIII)
For example:
Take 10 VL3ks (id: 301> 310) and 16 Mac aura (id 101> 116)
On all VL3ks, give a position and a sin effect on Pan at 6BPM and 40 °
On all Mac aura, do the same thing but at a different speed (10BPM)
Record a cuelist.

Now take a Mac aura, the 113 for example, give him a new position (the lead for example) and do merge cue 1.
It may be noted at this point that all other fixtures with motion takes leap, as if they begin cycle effect again.
The same thing happens when we press update instead of merge

This occurs only when we have 2 effects of different speeds in the same cue.
This is really annoying when you just want readjust a position slightly and all the kit jumped in the update ...

