I have been working a bit in the fixture builder, creating fixture profiles for a lot of our (strictly FX) custom gear. The profiles have been coming out fine but the system seems to crash about 50% of the time, either when I hope the fixture builder, or when I finalize the fixture builder by hitting "Build Fixture." When it crashes, the screen just goes black and all I can see is the mouse cursor on the screen, nothing else, and have to manual turn off the console and power back on. Anyone else having these issues?
Awesome. Thank you Marty. Ya I know it's best for HE'S to build profiles, but most of ours are fairly simple 3 channel fixtures, nothing too complex. Plus there are a lot of them. Thanks again.
Awesome. Thank you Marty. Ya I know it's best for HE'S to build profiles, but most of ours are fairly simple 3 channel fixtures, nothing too complex. Plus there are a lot of them. Thanks again.